Hey there! I'm Aaron/Chavster/Astra! I go by he/him and I'm an aspiring programmer! I make mods for KTANE and occasionally Raspberry Pi Projects!
This website was made to catalogue my programming projects, document my coding journey, and function as a place to put my feelings!
After me and my girlfriend broke up, I made this website as a fun challenge for myself. I also needed a place to blog that wasn't controlled by my ex.
(and don't tell her, but to be honest, my website's well better anyways >:3)
Currently, it's still under construction and has slight mobile support, but I'm hard at work getting it finished! It should hopefully be done at the end of the month!
Please take this classic GT4 song as a token of gratitude! (don't kill me :>)
Reach out to me on GitHub
@ chavster!